Volcom Snow- Euro Family Tape 2021
A word from the Volcom Stone European Family…
“Back in 1985, Nobel Literature Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote the novel “Love in the time of Cholera” to vast critical acclaim. And what does this have to do with snowboarding?
Well, in February 2021 we’ve been “Snowboarding in the time of Covid” for nearly a year and the similarities and subplots one can draw from Marquez’ novel are abundant.
Think along the lines of perseverance, depravity, 1st love, passion & finding new and creative ways to pursue said passion when borders close, lifts don’t open and curfews become the norm.
Those are just a fraction of the hurdles Volcom Family riders and Ambassadors across Europe have had to endure and conquer to be able to snowboard this winter.
We truly appreciate their efforts
Here is a homage to our blue-collar warriors, foot soldiers and unsung heroes.” Enjoy.