// films

A Canadian Recreational Vehicle Odyssey of Friendship

Presented by Coal Headwear.

What happens when you let Phil Hansen plan an RV trip from Vancouver to Banff with a crew of 15ish idiots in tow?

Well, this video happened. Along with a whole bunch of other shenanigans that everyone in the video is probably happy we left on the cutting room floor.

Coal and Mervin teamed up Beauty and the Beast Style for a Spring road trip that left us all surprised we weren’t banned from Canada.

Riders: Phil Hansen, Naima Antolin, Matteo Soltane, Kaleah Opal, Darrah Reid-McLean, Maggie Leon, Xander Cornaby, Al Grogan, Jack Wiley, Lauren Nelson, Devin Tubbs, Brendan Sullivan, Jess Kimura, Hunter Knoll, Brayden Charette, Miles Freelan.

Film/Edit: Kevin Nolan


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